On Wed 27/12/17 the club outing was to Mangerton Mountain. Leaving town at 09.30 we headed for Killarney the roads were dodgy but drivable with care. The weather looked ok. After Barraduff we ran into a heavy shower of hail but decided to continue. Before reaching Killarney the sky brightened. We parked up at the trail head where already there was a few cars and people about. We changed into our gear and started the climb, conditions underfoot were quite muddy, and a few hundred meters in we got a shower of hail, which thankfully cleared. Onwards and upwards we went through Cormacs Haggard where here in 1262 Cormac Mac Cartaigh defeated the Anglo Norman FitzGeralds. However Cormac lost his life in the melee. As we ascended conditions underfoot got better we made steady progress each meter gained helping to shed the Christmas excesses, Turkey, plump pudding, trifle,beer wine evaporating as we crunched our way through the snow.The talking stopped and all that could be heard above the...