Hillwalking Gear Checklist
- · Proper Hill Walking Boots – Probably the most important gear item and the most important thing after a walk is to to wash them out to clear the acidy boggy water out, then leave dry out naturally with paper inside them and polish them with a water resistant polish like Dubbin just before you go out again. You have to choose between Leather which is probably better in wetter conditions but make sure to get a boot that is moulded and one pieced as possible as this means less chance of leakages or a synthetic boot which is probably lighter for drier conditions or doing a route which takes in a bit of rock climbing. A Boot with a Vibram sole is recommended as this gives a better grip
- Waterproof
& Windproof Jacket & Leggings – If possible buy weather gear that is
breathable to stop sweating & with a high waterproof resistance level as the higher the Water Resistance level is the longer you stay dry. - a 10,0000 level means about keeping out 9
Hours of Heavy Rain approx.
- A Rucksack – Bag size should be between a 30 & 50 Litre size and make sure to have a chest strap to stop the bag from moving side to side & a waist strap to support the weight you are carrying
- In case of bad weather have gloves and a hat plus in bad weather wear thermal clothes
- Hiking Poles – Most people use them or at least have them available, it is recommended to use 2 or none
Other Gear Requirements
- Gaiters - to protect the bottom of your leggings & boots
- A compass & map – If possible learn how to use a compass and it is handy to have a section laminated & put it in a Map Case, also having a Hiking App on your phone with maps on it is a good idea. It is also good to have routes on your hiking app but never totally depend on a phone as some day it may not work.
- A whistle – only use if really necessary to warn others that you are in trouble
- A Survival Bag – This should always be in the bag just in case you get injured & you need shelter and this will do until rescue arrives
- A Torch – Just in case you get caught out later than expected and always have spare batteries
- First Aid – A basic supply is enough to do until help arrives. A great thing to have is a sami splint which can be moulded around an injured area. Insulating is very handy to have & it will do a multitude of functions.
- Sun cream & Insect repellent – For those sunny days when the insects are around
- A Mobile Phone – Make sure to have the phone fully charged & a backup power pack is always good to have. A trick with your phone is to put it on Airplane Mode as this will conserve battery power
- A High Viz reflective jacket or belt
- · A Water filled container
- A packed lunch & a thermal flask for a hot drink. A bar of chocolate or high energy sweets are good to carry for a quick energy boost or some fruit but make sure to take home your banana skins as they take a long time to break down
- Sun glasses, socks, laces and a spare hat & extra clothes depending on the time of year, to put extra on or to change after sweating
- Winter Extras – Balaclava, Thermal Leggings and spare gloves. A good trick is a pair of wash up gloves which can act as a temporary waterproof set
At the start you can buy basic
gear and then after a while you just get better gear if you wish to continue
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