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Club Constitution

Hill Walkers & Mountain Climbers 
Club Constitution

1.         Name

1.1     The name of the Club shall be Kanturk Hill Walkers and Mountain Climbers. Here in after referred to as the Club.

2.         Objectives of the club

2.1   To facilitate and increase the enjoyment of mountaineering activities by members of the Club.

2.2      To act as the collective voice of Club members.

2.3     To assist in the work of the Mountaineering Ireland aimed at maintaining access to, conservation of and protection of the cliff and mountain environment.

2.4      To encourage club members to train to be capable of ensuring their own safety in the mountain environment.

2.5      To make information on responsible use of the mountain environment available to club members
2.6       To promote the Mountaineering Ireland’s Children Policy, and the Code of Ethics and Good Practice for Children, with the club.

3.         Membership of the club       

3.1       Membership of the Club shall only be open to individuals nominated by two existing Club members.

3.2       Membership of the Club shall only be open to individuals who recognise that Hill walking and Climbing are activities with a danger of personal injury or death and take part at their own risk. Members shall be aware of and accept these risks and agree to be responsible for their own actions and involvement.

3.3   Club Membership is open to minors who provide written consent to their membership from their parents or guardians.

3.4       Intending members can take part in 2 Club Walks before deciding on whether to join but must sign an injury disclaimer before setting out on the walk.

3.5      While out on Club Walks all of the group are requested to listen to & obey instructions & orders from the Group Walk Leaders.

3.6       Members must complete 2 Grade B Walks before attempting a Grade A Walk

4.         Management of the club             
4.1     The club will be controlled by its members acting in General Meetings. One of these meetings will be the Annual General Meeting at which Officers of the Club will be elected.

4.2     Management of the Club between General Meetings shall be entrusted to the elected committee, who must act in accordance with the Constitution and the Rules of the Club. They may make decisions on matters not covered by Constitution or Rules but these must be approved by the next General Meeting.

5.         Officers of the club

5.1       The Officers of the Club shall be elected by the members at an Annual General Meeting and shall be the President/Chair, the Secretary, the Treasurer.

5.3       Officers are eligible to serve a term of two years on the club committee.  After a term of two years Officers must step down. If an Officer wishes they may seek re-election to either the same role or another role on the Committee.

6.         Committee of the club

6.1       The President/Chair of the Club will normally preside at and chair all meetings of the Committee and General Meetings of the Club and shall be responsible for reporting to the Membership at the Club's AGM.
            The President/Chair must change every two years.

6.2       The Committee shall be composed of the Officers of the Club plus a number of members without a specific role.

6.3  The Committee shall nominate representatives of the Club to attend Mountaineering Ireland General meetings to represent the views of the Membership and vote on behalf of the Club.

6.4      The Club Secretary shall be responsible for all correspondence relating to Club affairs and for giving notice of General and/or Committee meetings, and the writing and distribution of minutes from those meetings. The Secretary shall give, at least 30 clear days notice of such a meeting and its agenda. Items for inclusion should be submitted at least 15 days prior to the AGM and communicated to the members at least 7 days before the AGM. (These time limits should be adjusted depending on the size and complexity of the Club and will be different for General and Committee meetings)
The Secretary shall keep records of the Membership of the Club and report the details of members to Mountaineering Ireland as required.

6.5   The Treasurer shall collect subscriptions and account for all income and expenditure of the Club. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the payment of membership subscriptions to Mountaineering Ireland.

6.6       The Committee shall have the power to co-opt additional non-voting members.

6.7     A quorum for a meeting of the Committee shall be half of the elected voting members rounded up to the next whole number. The Committee shall hold at least two meetings each year.

7.          Rules of the Club – Subscription, Meetings & Voting

7.1      A General meeting shall have the power to set membership subscription levels for the Club

7.2     A General meeting shall have the power to set Club rules. Such rules shall be in accordance with the articles of the Club's Constitution and the policies of Mountaineering Ireland.

7.3     Any paid up member of the club is entitled to vote at General meetings

7.4     Votes will be decided on a show of hands basis.

8.         Rules of the club – Club Walks

8.1       All walkers must be club members. Guest walkers or intending members can     go twice without joining the Club.

8.2      Members must notify Group Leaders in advance that they are bringing a Guest             on a Club Walk. The member who invites the Guest must make sure that the                 Guest has signed the Club Risk & Injury Disclaimer.         

8.3       Members must be wearing suitable gear. Hiking Boots are the most important              and are essential. A Member or Guest Walker may not be left on the Club                    Walk if they do not have Hiking Boots. It is also recommended not to wear                     jeans. Walkers will also need a Hiking bag and have weatherproof gear.

8.4       Those starting out together are requested by the Club to stay together during the Club walks.

8.5     On Club Walks if members go ahead, stay behind, go a different direction or deviate in any way from the group they will do so at their own risk. The Club, the Group Leaders or any member will not be in any way responsible if something goes wrong or if those members get injured.

8.6       Any person intending to leave the group must notify one of the group leaders.

8.7       Minors should always be accompanied by a parent or guardian on hikes.

8.8    Members must remember that the land we use is owned by someone else. Respect the landowners.

8.9       Please take home your litter. Leave No Trace is the policy the Club adheres to.

8.10     Dogs are not allowed on each walk. 

8.11    On a Club Walk a member of the group must not take any risk that puts that persons or any other Group members safety in doubt by going into dangerous places without a good reason.

8.12   While out on Club Walks all of the group are requested to listen to & obey instructions & orders from the Group Walk Leaders.

8.13    All members are requested to reply to Group Messages if they intend going out on
            Club Walks as group leaders do need to know in advance the total number of walkers
            that will be turning up to that Club Walk so as the ratio between leaders & walkers is
             correct for safety reasons

9.         Amendments to the constitution of the club

9.1      This Constitution may be amended by a majority of those present and voting at a General Committee Meeting.

9.2     The Club Committee can decide to call a full Club Meeting outside of the Annual General Meeting if the Club Committee deems necessary & important enough to amend a rule or change the Club Constitution or any other business that may need attending to.

10        Group Leader and their responsibilities

10.1     Only assigned Group Leaders & The Walk Group set by the committee shall set the walk list

10.2      Only the Group Leaders & the Walk Group can change the Walk List

10.3      On walks two leaders have to be assigned to be in charge, one leader at the front & one at the back making sure all members in the days group are within the confines

10.4     Before setting out the days walk route has to be set by the day’s leaders and can only be changed by the consent of both leaders.

10.5    Group Leaders must make sure to have a good prior knowledge of an intending Club Walk.

10.6     If the Club is going on a Walk that has not been done before & is not way marked the Group Leaders appointed for that Walk must make sure that a reconnaissance trip ( A Recci. Trip ) on the route has been done to make the Club trip as safe as possible.

10.7     The Group Leaders must agree a day’s route In advance

10.8     The Group Leaders have the right to change the route on a Club Day Out or have the right to turn back if deemed necessary as circumstances dictate, but both Group leaders must agree.

10.9   Group leaders need to check out & know the number of intending members going out on a walk to make that there is enough help & experience at hand. Group leaders also need to know the ability & experience of the Club Walk group members.

11        Insurance

11.1   Members of the club are insured through the club being affiliated to Mountaineering Ireland and with that their insurance policy.

11.2     The insurance policy covers members for loss of a limb, permanent injury or after a fatal accident.  

11.3     Members are advised considering that Hill Walking is a high risk sport to get their own private personal accident policy

11.4     A copy of the this insurance policy is available on request & is available to view on our website

12        Members will be requested to sign the Club Constitution & agree to obey the Rules of the Club and this will also act as a disclaimer against any Club Officers or any other member & accepting that Hillwalking is a high risk sport.

13        Disclaimer

13.1   Before becoming a member of our club all members must sign a disclaimer form accepting that the member is taking part in Hill Walking at their own risk and that the Kanturk Hill Walkers & Mountain Climbers Club or any other member of that club will not be responsible in any way if any injury does occur and that the member is responsible for themselves and no other person.

14.     Code of Behaviour      

14.1   The Club has a Code Of behavior with members being asked to show respect to all  members of the group and the Club has a policy of friendship, companionship & teamwork on club days out. The most important thing is that everyone has an enjoyable day out and return home safely.                                                  

15.       Dissolution of the club

15.1     The Club can be dissolved by two thirds majority vote carried out in accordance with Article 9 whereupon the Committee will arrange to discharge any assets to Mountain Rescue. Any liabilities at the time of dissolution shall be the joint responsibility of all Members.


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