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Mangerton & the Devils Punch Bowl June 2019

On Sunday 16 June 2019 the club walk was the Devil’s Punchbowl circuit in the majestic Mangerton mountain range.Mangerton is the only mountain visible from the Main Street in Killarney. We left town at 08.30 and travelled west. The day was dry and sunny. The forecast was for showers at 12.30. We arrived at the starting point and geared up. Initially we walked on level wet ground through Cormicks haggard which was the site of a famous battle in 1262 when the McCarthys halted the Norman invasion into the kingdom. We continued southwards up the northern slopes of Mangerton at a brisk pace now gaining altitude. To our right the lakes were spread out below. With Killarney off in the distance. Underfoot conditions were reasonably good and we made steady progress. Stopping now and then to admire the views , and give our lungs a chance. Soon the terrain leveled off and we contoured south west for a while. We then veered south to bring us to approx mid way above the Devil’s Punchbowl. A stiff breeze awaited when we arrived. Below the waves were scurrying across the lake.According to Irish Mythology a local chieftain O’Donoghue Ross dined with the devil. They had an argument and O’Donoghue punched him in the nose. He then took himself off down the mountain. The devil in his rage bit off the top of Mangerton and flung it after the quickly departing O’ Donoghue. It missed him and landed in Muckross lake , there is an island on the lake called Devils island. The resultant hole is the Devils Punchbowl. A more likely explanation is that it was caused by glacial erosion.Here we rested up for a little while and took the opportunity for a quick snack Refreshed we headed south east to circumnavigate the lake in a clockwise direction. After some level walking we reached the coll between Mangerton and Mangerton North Top.

This is a relatively narrow coll. To our right the Punchbowl and on our left a sheer 300 meters below us the waters of  Lough Erhogh in the Horses glen. We headed south up the arete with a little bit of scrambling. Reaching the top we kept the Punchbowl to our right and continued until we crossed the Owengarriffe river that exits the Punchbowl.It winds its way down to Muckross lake forming the famous Torc waterfall on its journey. We rested up and had a lunch break. Above us we could see the mountain top was clouding up, and soon disappeared from view. We were lucky on top we had excellent views.  The promised rain was about to come. We continued downwards eventually the rain arrived. Nothing for it now but to keep going. Reaching the cars we changed and it was decided to call to the Torc hotel for tea / coffee ect. There were some in the group who were climbing Mangerton for the first time. Well done to them and to those who gave encouragement. Mangerton is the 10 th highest mountain in Ireland according to MountainViews website. .......The chowder passed....

        “ To walk
         in nature is
          to witness
        a thousand
         miracles “..............Mary Davis


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