Onwards we sped through the lush countryside of North Cork. Turning left off the N8 outside Kilbeheny we finally arrived at King’s yard. We changed into our gear, and headed up the southern slopes of Galtees on a rough track. After a few hundred meters we veered north east, across open mountain gaining a little bit of altitude. We then descended to cross the Attyechraan river. We set our course South West and gaining height we linked up with the Black Road. We headed North towards Galtybeg on a firm track. As we gained altitude a freshening southwestern breeze began to pick up. The Knockmealdown mountains and the Comeraghs were visible to the south. Slightly off the Black Road on the slopes of Knockeenatoung there is a monument in the shape of a plane’s tail fin. It commentates a plane crash in September 20 th. 1976 , when three men, founding members of Abbeyshrule aero club died.Eventually the Black Road petered out and we turned north west on the final push up to the summit of Galtybeg at 799.2 meters. By now we were being well tested by the wind , and were glad to find shelter in the lee of some rocks at the summit. Here in relative comfort we dined overlooking Borhee Lough , the Aherlow valley and Tipperary town in the distance.

The Galtee wall is approximately 3.5 kilometers long and was built in 1878. It separates the Dawson-Massey estate in the north from the Galtee estate in the south. It took up to 40 men 4 years to build . It gave much needed employment during a time of economic depression. It was built in the Scottish style. After following the wall for some time we veered southwards down to a stream that flows into the Attychraan river.
Here here by the river there are the ruins of a dwelling, and a stand of trees. By the base of one tree there is a plastic container with a notebook and pencil. It is left there for people to sign. We duly singed it. Turning the pages we found that Kanturk Hillwalkers had signed in on 23 April 2018. Some members of that trip were present again today. From here on it was level walking on good path back to King’s yard. There are good facilities here. It was decided to call to the Firgrove in Mitchelstown to have the customary post climb debrief. A fantastic day out in challenging conditions that pushed outside our comfort zone. Well done to all....
“ The higher you climb on the mountain, the harder the wind blows “...........Sam Cummings
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