became persistent and heavy.. eventually reaching cloud level visibility was reduced and we arrived at the remains of the stone fort of Cu Roi mac Daire the legendary sorcerer and king of Munster who apparently lived during the Iron Age.The fort is situated about two thirds of the way, it is a national monument, and a protected structure. The mountain bears his name. Using his magic he could rotate the fort to confuse his enemies... He was a buddy of Cúchulainn until they fell out over a woman. Cúchulainn killed him...
With the rain now coming down we trudged up the steep climb to the summit. On a clear day the views from here would take in both sides of the peninsula. Today it was not to be... After a quick stop for photos we retraced our steps. Reaching the fort we had a wet lunch ,before beating a hasty retreat back to the cars..... Here while trying to change out of our sopping clothes, our misery was compounded by 10 million midgets that were waiting to greet us... Cursing and scratching in a cloud of insect repellent we managed to change...While the midgets ingratiated themselves into every opening available to them..
Finally reaching the sanctuary of the Junction Bar the mood lightened considerably as we eat our chowder, fish and chips and had a pint.
There was a great amount of work behind the scenes to put it together....So thanks again. Thanks to the Alley bar also.... I think it’s fair to say everyone enjoyed the evening....What ever about the day.

“ You need special shoes for hiking —and a bit of a special soul as well”
...........Terri Guillemets
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