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Showing posts from February, 2018

Muckross Lake loop.

A walk in the park. On Sunday 18/02/18 the club walk was the Muckross Lake Loop of 12 Klms. approx. We left town at 09.00 in convoy for Killarney, picking up some people in Rathmore and then proceeded to the car park at Muckross House. There was a good turnout, a mixture of young and old plus two dogs. There was a slight mist but no cold it was excellent weather for walking. The car park was full, evidence of the popularity of this beauty spot. We donned our rain gear and set off dogs on leads and sat nav in hand to navigate our way around the loop. On tarred paths we made our way to Muckross Lake. Keeping the lake to our right, and the magestic Torc mountain to our left, we set off. Across the water the Killarney Church spire could be seen. The path runs out, where the N 71 squeezes up to the lake shore. At this point we had to take to the road. After some time there is a path to the right which swings back to the shore. Continuing along this we come to the 200 year old Dinis c...

Mount Hillary

On Saturday 10/02 the club outing was to Mount Hillary. This mountain could be considered the spiritual home of the club. It is on these slopes that potential members are interviewed and assessed. Halfway up the bike track one has a fair idea whether they will show up for the next walk.Though Mount Hillary is part of the Boggeras it sort of stands alone and is easily distinguished from afar. We met up at the Glen road entrance at 09.31. The weather was excellent for walking. We kept on the  main track for about 100 meters and instead of staying on the roadway veering right we went straight on a dirt track.This eventually took us to the foot or the steps. We went up the steps and at the top we turned left until we reached the bike track. We continued on this track to the trig point at 391 meters. The day was clear and the views were good. Conditions underfoot were mucky in places, but that was to be expected after the weather we have had. We stopped at the trig point to rest up....