On Sun, Aug. 6th we set off on another new trip,with a good group of 13,.this time to the the Cliffs Of Moher Walking Trail which is approx. 20 km long. Our first destination was Doolin which was nearly 90 miles away through Ennis & Ennistymon where we parked our cars and boarded the Park & Ride Bus to the start of the trail near Liscannor We have climbed higher, longer & tougher but this really was a day to remember as only by visiting this place will you really appreciate the sheer beauty & all the unbelievable views that make up this trip where you really are walking close to the edge. This trail is as dangerous as you want to make it, there is in most place's an inner path which is safer or another which is close to the edge. It really is in your own hands & up to how brave you are but you really could get in trouble if you started to mess around. You can fairly easily get fantastic views by taking a bit of care & get the real ...