On Saturday 23 June the annual Club nighttime climb took place. Our destination was the West Pap. As the last of the night owls were heading to their beds we left town at 01.00 heading for Clonkeen. We passed through the sleeping towns and villages eventually arriving at the parking spot at the start of the climb. Initially, there was great interest in the climb, but people dropped out one by one, until there were only four left all male. We were amply rewarded for our efforts. At the car park, we geared up and fitted our head torches. The night was balmy as we made our way upwards. As we gained altitude the twinkling lights of Killarney came into view. We proceeded at a steady pace as conditions underfoot were excellent and the route was gradual. Time on our side we decided to rest up in the lee of a rocky outcrop and had some refreshments.We didn’t want to summit too early. We had the mountain to ourselves save for a few startled sheep, whose eyes glowed in our headl...