On Sunday ane of the most beautiful place in the world . The starting point was the world famous Kate Kearne total of 11 of us set off on a trip up Tomies & Purple Mt. . On a fine, clear and sunny day this must be oys cottage and from there we headed a small bit back in towards Killarney before taking a right to start our climb. The one thing great about our day out was as we started our ascent we got a great view over Lough Leane and the other parts of the Lakes Of Killarney & on a morning like this you get a great chance to appreciate it. The first step up to little Tomies was not that little at all but a long gradual but strenuous climb but at no actual point overly severe but the quietness in the bunch told its own story. The legs & the lungs were feeling the effects. Our first aim and peak was little Tomies but the only thing by this stage the cloud and fog was down on top of us limiting our view. After a pit stop and a group photo we h...